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🎨 The Machine class

Machines in spamfilter allow you to customize own models that periodically work through the filters wrapped into them.

How to import the machine class

To import the class of a Machine, simply run:

from spamfilter.machines import Machine

Machines explained

Generally, all filters are stacked onto each other using a machine object which will then check them one after each other.

A machine also has a check(string: str) method which accepts a string as an input and will return a results.Result object. This object contains info about the filtering run.

Check the documentation for results.Result for more information.


The main class used to stack/wrap filters.

machines.Machine(filters : list = [], mode : str = "normal")

A machine is an object that accepts several filters and passes strings through these.

It’s the core mechanism to filter potential spam strings.

Filters may modify the strings they get as input. The machine will pass the modified strings from one filter to the next ones:


[Capitals filter]

[this is a capital string]

[other filters…]


Machine.filters: this property is a list of all filters in a machine. The order is kept.

Machine.mode: can either be "normal", "tolerant” or "zero-tolerance".

An example

This is an example of how you could implement three filters into one machine, which will check the string of them through each of the given filters.

from spamfilter.machines import Machine
from spamfilter.filters import (

m = Machine([
    Symbols(mode = "crop"),
    Length(min_length = 20, max_length = 60)

    m.check("Test string!").passed